Patricia Kaas

Mademoiselle N'a Pas Chante Que Le Blues












Une fille de l'est







Genre: Pop, French, Jazz







Une fille de l'est


Parce que nos cieux sont ténébreux

Et qu'ici on n'a pas la mer

On a mis le bleu dans nos yeux

C'est dans nos regards qu'on se perd

C'est peut-être à cause du soleil

Qui nous oublie longues saisons

On veut de l'or comme à Marseille

On l'a mis dans nos cheveux blonds

Je suis d'un pays d'un horizon d'une frontière

Qui sonne guerre, qui sonne éternel hiver

Et si tu veux m'apprendre

Si tu veux vraiment bien me connaître

Je suis dans chaque mot dans chacun de mes gestes

Une fille de l'Est

Ici le froid glace les corps

Mais la chaleur peut te brûler

Chez tout est intense et fort

On fait pas les choses à moitié

Et toutes ce croix, ces tranchées

Ici l'on sait le prix du sang

L'absurdité des combats quand

On est tombé des deux côtés

Je suis d'une région d'une langue d'une histoire

Qui sonne loin qui sonne batailles et mémoire

Celle qui m'a vue naître

Celle qui m'a faite ainsi que je suis faite

Une terre, un caractère celle que je reste

Je suis de ces gens dignes

Et debout dans leur silence

Où parole est parole, où promesse a un sens

Et si tu sais comprendre

Qui je suis quand j'aime ou je déteste

Je t'offrirai l'amour droit, simple et sincère

D'une fille de l'Est

Une fille de l'Est




































































































































































A girl from the east


Because our skies are dark

And here we don't have the sea

We put the blue in our eyes.

It's in our eyes that we get lost

Maybe it's because of the sun.

Who forgets us long seasons

We want gold like Marseille.

We put it in our blond hair.

I'm from a country with a horizon of a border.

Ringing war, ringing eternal winter

And if you want to teach me

If you really want to know me,

I'm in every word in every gesture.

A girl from the East

Here the cold ice the bodies

But the heat can burn you

Everything is intense and strong

We don't do things by halves.

And all that cross, all those trenches

Here we know the price of blood

The absurdity of fighting when

We fell on both sides.

I'm from a region of a language of a history.

Ringing far away that rings battles and memory

The one that saw me being born

The one that made me the way I am made

A land, a character that I remain

I'm one of those worthy people.

And standing in their silence

Where word is word, where promise is meaningful

And if you understand

Who I am when I love or hate

I'll offer you true love, simple and sincere

From an Eastern girl

A girl from the East







'들으면서 보기 > Jazz, Blues, Soul, R&B,,,,' 카테고리의 다른 글

Poveri Pensieri  (0) 2022.05.29
가을 강가에서  (0) 2021.12.22
Boyz II Men - A Song for Mama  (0) 2015.05.16
European Jazz Trio - Saudade (2007) / Superstar  (0) 2015.01.18
Emi Fujita - Wishes (Le Couple)  (0) 2014.11.11




















Liberi gli uccelli

Sono liberi e non chiedono che il vento

Poi non vogliono toccare ne i diamanti,e ne la gente.

Sono liberi con niente.

Sono in volo e sono tanti come il sole coi pianeti

Si accontentano dell'aria.


Tristi sono gli uomini che vivono col mito del potere

Senza mai toccare il fondo

Si permettono di avere nelle mani la speranza, il futuro e tutti i giorni

Mentre la generazione sta perdendo ogni emozione


lo sa... mentre gira questa vita

No.. non è ancora finita


Qui si spezza la vita

Prima che sia finita


Poveri pensieri di chi ha il cuore inaridito

E non conosce piu la strada

Non conosce piu la meta

E non ricorda piu chi è il mare

Le sue rive e i suoi colori

E non ricorda piu l'amore

E non sà che il cuore aspetta di volare


Lo sa.. mentre gira questa vita

No..non è ancora finita


Qui si spezza la vita

Prima che sia finita


















































Moorlough Shore



I have waited long for you to come back home

To hear you call my name again

In my heart's deep soul you've not changed at all

And the years have passed you by

Your sweet lips that lingered on my skin

I can feel their heat again

And your eyes that thrilled with passion's fire

They watch my every whim

Some say my love, sweet love was lost

While crossing the raging main

Or perhaps he has gone with some other girl

I might never see his face again

But if my Irish love is lost he's the one I do adore

And for seven long years I'll wait for him

On the banks of the moorlough shore

He said farewell to castles grand

Farewell to the foggy hills

Where the linen waves like bleaching silk

And the falling stream runs still

Near there we spent our joyful days but alas they are all gone

For cruelty has banished him

Far away from the moorlough shore














































































































































































































































































'들으면서 보기 > Jazz, Blues, Soul, R&B,,,,' 카테고리의 다른 글

Poveri Pensieri  (0) 2022.05.29
가을 강가에서  (0) 2021.12.22
European Jazz Trio - Saudade (2007) / Superstar  (0) 2015.01.18
Emi Fujita - Wishes (Le Couple)  (0) 2014.11.11
Patricia Kaas - Une fille de l'est  (0) 2014.10.31





European Jazz Trio - Saudade (2007)















































Emi Fujita

A Special Album To All My Friends (Camomile Plus) 2006











Wishes (Le Couple)



Genre : J-pop, Jazz



















































Patricia Kaas


Mademoiselle N'a Pas Chante Que Le Blues






01 Une fille de l'est





Genre: Pop, French, Jazz







































Eva Cassidy - Songbird (1998)










Autumn Leaves























































Etta Scollo - Blu (1999)










Amico Pierre




Genre: Traditional, Italian Folk, Blues




















































































Bette Midler - Is That All There Is ?


































































































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