














Individual 이라는 말은 아름답다.

분열될 수 없다는 뜻이다.

지금의 그대 상태는 여러 갈래로 분열 되어 있다.

주인 없이 하인만 있는 집과 같다.

그대는 거기에 없다.































































































































































































































































Forget the peace inside

You've given way to the gods of destruction

Full of desire

You feel afraid that there's nothing left

Oh oh, oh noww

Oh oh, oh no

The ocean is dry

Do you feel hollow?

Nowhere to hide

And nothing to swallow

And when you can't recognize

Anything solid

Where do you turn?

When you can't buy it?

What can you believe in now

With no love to follow?

Now that you have lost yourself

Oh, can anything help you now?

Just let your fears go

You might find your way back home

Let your fears go

You might find that you're not lost

Just let your fears go

You might find your way back home

Let your fears go

You might find that you're not lost

What did you learn?

What was it worth?

What did you yearn for?

Everything's lost now

And not alone and not alone

And not alone and not alone

And not alone and not alone

And not alone and not alone

Just let your fears go

You might find your way back home

Let your fears go

You might find that you're not lost

Just let your fears go

You might find your way back home

Let your fears go

You might find that you're not lost













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