













오라, 사랑하는 이여.

와서 이 작은 언덕길을 함께 거닐어보자.

눈은 녹고 생명은 그 긴 잠으로부터 깨어나

언덕과 계곡들 사이를 정처 없이 배회하고 있으니.


오라, 와서 우리.

아득한 들판으로 봄의 발자국들을 따라가 보자.


그대가 오면 나는 높은 산정으로 올라가

그대와 함께 저 아래 파도치는 녹색 평원을 굽어보리라.


- 칼릴지브란



















































anette askvik - liberty


our bodies are hurting like hell

they promised to never leave us alone

our hearts are breaking like bones


they''re picking stars like apples from the sky

threatening to throw them in sea

so we won''t have anything to gaze upon


what happened to liberty

and the bridges we almost got done

what happened to that

was going to take us home


dreams are breaking like glass

but faith is hard like stone

sometimes so hard to see

when i lay down and forget

this you need to be telling me


what happened to liberty

and the bridges we almost got done

what happened to that

was going to take us home



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