









나쁜 물을 어떻게 고칠 것인가?

그 물을 강으로 돌려보내라


나쁜 버릇을 어떻게 고칠 것인가?

나를 당신에게 돌려보내라


- 루  미











































































Nothing To Show


I've been too long away from your lovin'
Too long with my back too the wall
I've been to some far away places
With nothing to show for it all.

I've been to their sights and show cases
I've been through their strong city halls
Men with black suits and no faces
And nothing to show for it all
I've been too long away from this country
Too long not heeding your call
Now I'm home like some war weary soldier
With nothing to show for it all

I've taken the jibe jester
I've laughed at the joke through it all
He said get back to the place where you came from
You've got nothing to give after all
Chorus repeat x2

Breath easy there's someone there waiting
Someone who cares after all





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