태백에서 함백으로~


2010. 5. 2








찬란한 세상 속에서

빛의 물결과 하나되리라.


우리의 감각은

이성의 냉철함에

온기를 선사하네....




















































































































































20,000 Miles Over The Sea



















내가 당신이라고 말하라


나는 아침 안개 그리고

저녁 숨결


작은 숲 위로 부는, 바람 벼랑에

부딪치는 파도


나는 장미

장미향에 취한 꾀꼬리


모든 존재의 질서, 돌아가는 은하계

진화하는 지성


말하라. 내가




_ 루미


















































































































Passage Through Ancient Relics
























나는 왜 그를 찾고 있는가?

내가 바로 그인 것을

그의 본질은 나를 통해서 말을 하고 있는 것을

내가 나를 찾고 있었구나 !


_루 미





























































































































































Heather Maloney - Flying on Helium




















흐름을 거슬러 헤엄치지 말라.

강물에 자신을 맡겨라.

강과 하나가 되어라.

강은 이미 바다로 가고 있다.



























I'll Always


it was just you and you alone

you changed your place your path your home

and the autumn leaves were golden brown

on the that tearful night that you left town

and i''ll always love you no matter where you are

and i''ll always feel that we''re not far apart

shadows and fear have made me drink

from this well of hurt i cannot think...

that love can reside in a place so cold

and time will only tell how this love will unfold

but i''ll always love you no matter where you are

and i''ll always feel that we''re not far apart

and i''ll always think of you no matter where you are

and i''ll always hold you so close to my heart
























비 새는 비를 기다리는

목마름에 우짖나니

기다림 속에서

죽어간다 하여도

비 새는

다른 물을 마시지 않고

비가 내리기를 기다린다.


사랑의 음악이 울려 퍼질 때

사슴은 앞을 향해


그 음에 취해

죽어간다 하여도

두려움에 떨지 않는다.


- 카비르






























































Without Your Love


'자연으로 > 야생화' 카테고리의 다른 글

올 봄에도 그 곳으로~ ㅎ  (0) 2022.04.01
느진목골  (0) 2022.03.09
얼레지 - 여왕의 귀환  (0) 2021.04.03
변산 바람꽃 2  (0) 2021.02.26
변산바람꽃 - 느진목골  (0) 2021.02.24














그대의 춤


그대 빛에서 사랑하는 법을 익히고

그대 아름다움에서 시를 짓는 법을 배운다


아무도 그대를 보지 못하는

내 가슴 속에 숨어 추는 그대의 춤을


나는 가끔 들여다보고, 그것은

이렇게 나의 노래가 된다


- 루  미










































































































































Eleanor McEvoy with Mary Black--Only A Woman s Heart


My heart is low

My heart is so low

As only a woman's heart can be

As only a woman's, as only a woman's

As only a woman's heart can know


The tears that drip

From my bewildered eyes

Taste of bittersweet romance

You're still in my hopes

You're still on my mind

And even though I manage on my own


My heart is low

My heart is so low

As only a woman's heart can be

As only a woman's, as only a woman's

As only a woman's heart can know


Restless eyes

Reveal my troubled soul

And memories flood my weary heart

I mourn for my dreams

I mourn for my wasted love

And while I know that I'll survive alone


My heart is low

My heart is so low

As only a woman's heart can be

As only a woman's, as only a woman's

As only a woman's heart can know


My heart is low

(Yes my heart is so low) My heart is so low

As only a woman's heart can be

As only a woman's, as only a woman's

As only a woman's heart can know


My heart is low

My heart is so low

As only a woman's heart can be

As only a woman's, as only a woman's

As only a woman's heart can know


My heart is low, my heart is low


















우리는 거울이자 그 속에 비치는 얼굴

순간의 영원을 맛보고 있다

우리는 고통이자 고통을 치료하는 약

달콤한 생수인 우리는

그것을 퍼내는 항아리


- 루  미





























































































































Let U Go


I've been to all the familiar places

I've been running like a sentence

Never begun

I've been looking for a way to let you know

I got nothing left to fill the spaces

I got nothing but a sentence coming undone

I've been doing circles and it shows


Every cloud in the sky

Every place that I hide

Tell me that I,

I was wrong to let u go

Every sound that I hear

Every thought that I fear

Tell me that I,

I was wrong, I was wrong to let u go


Let u go, Let u go, Let u go


It's the little things that make you crazy

Like the thought of someone touching your skin

I can see you everywhere I go

You could be inside a sea of faces

It could be the rumour of your grin

Swimming in the river as it flows


Every cloud in the sky

Every place that I hide

Tell me that I,

I was wrong to let u go

Every sound that I hear

Every thought that I fear

Tell me that I,

I was wrong to let u go


Let u go let u go let u go

















그들이 말하길,우리에게

장래가 없단다


옳은 말이다

우리에겐 아주 참 잘된 일이다


- 루  미



















































'자연으로 > 야생화' 카테고리의 다른 글

얼레지 - 여왕의 귀환  (0) 2021.04.03
변산 바람꽃 2  (0) 2021.02.26
금강초롱 .... 광덕산  (0) 2020.09.20
으름덩굴 꽃(회문산)  (0) 2020.05.11
남바람꽃(회문산)  (0) 2020.05.03



































































































'자연으로 > 야생화' 카테고리의 다른 글

변산 바람꽃 2  (0) 2021.02.26
변산바람꽃 - 느진목골  (0) 2021.02.24
으름덩굴 꽃(회문산)  (0) 2020.05.11
남바람꽃(회문산)  (0) 2020.05.03
청림마음  (0) 2019.02.23






I’ll Be Gone

(Nicholas Gunn  - feat. Alina Renae)


That year that Marlon Brando died and we cried

Our fire raged

I felt your breath upon my face

And you held me close

But I’ll be gone


The day of all that summer haze in the rain

Our souls were one

I saw myself within your eyes

But I had to go

And I’ll be gone


Where do we go

And how does this end

It’s only been one life

It’s only been one life

With you


The hour that my hand left your side

damn we cried

And the fire died

I lost that flame within my soul

And god I want you to know

That I’ll be gone


Where do we go

And how does this end

It’s only been one life

It’s only been one life

With you

And I’ll be gone

I’ll be gone

And I’ll be gone

'자연으로 > 야생화' 카테고리의 다른 글

변산바람꽃 - 느진목골  (0) 2021.02.24
금강초롱 .... 광덕산  (0) 2020.09.20
남바람꽃(회문산)  (0) 2020.05.03
청림마음  (0) 2019.02.23
다시 그곳  (0) 2018.05.09

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